Future Plans
Looking into the future, Middleton Lodge aims to continue to improve and try to create a modern self sustainable country estate.
We continue to add more raised beds and greenhouses to provide more food for the estate. We are currently looking to introduce hydroponics or aeroponics to grow even more produce all year round and become as self-sufficient as possible. There are also plans to build an onsite microbrewery.
Additional solar panels are being added to our building roofs to provide more on site electric, and it is planned that the heat generated by our kitchen fridges will be transferred into heating our event spaces.
We aim to have all estate cars running on electric by 2025. Back-up boilers will also be replaced by a renewable energy source.
As the estate continues to grow, creating a sustainable environment for the team will remain an important focus. Re-introducing interesting and educational seasonal events to make people more aware of ways to reduce their impact on the environment will also be a focus.